Member Benefits

Navigators Can Have Many Titles

Vanessa Rodrigues describes the roles that navigators fill, identifying that navigators have many different job titles. She explains how AONN+ can help support novice and seasoned nurse navigators, patient navigators, and social workers.

AONN+ Has Great Member Benefits

What does AONN+ have to offer its members? Sharon Gentry outlines some of the most popular member benefits.

Discover AONN+ Membership Benefits

Lillie Shockney reviews the many benefits of becoming an AONN+ member, including resources to help you achieve your career goals, networking opportunities, educational materials and events, and more.

Join AONN+’s Navigator Community

Discover how AONN+ has enabled your fellow navigators to better serve their patients and advance their careers.

How AONN+ Provides Tremendous Value to Navigators

AONN+ has proven to be a valuable resource for Danelle Johnston because it brings together the navigation community in a way that no other association does.

How to Get Involved in AONN+

Lillie Shockney expands upon how to get the most out of AONN+ besides attending conferences and becoming a member.

Advice for Rural Navigators

Sharon Gentry encourages navigators in rural areas to contact AONN+ to connect with other navigators.

Navigators Can Have Many Titles

Vanessa Rodrigues describes the roles that navigators fill, identifying that navigators have many different job titles. She explains how AONN+ can help support novice and seasoned nurse navigators, patient navigators, and social workers.