Navigation & Survivorship News

Resources for Local Patient Navigator Network Leaders!

Navigation toolkit available to help networks at a state and local level.

Hospice Care: Giving Patients Control Over End of Life

Hospice care often doesn’t occur until a patient is too ill to continue treatment. Encouraging patients to seek hospice care earlier could lead to a better quality of life and preparation for end of life.

Welcome to the Newest Local Navigator Networks!

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, new Local Navigator Networks have managed to start off on a positive note.

Implementing Commission on Cancer Standard 8.1: Addressing Barriers to Care

Identify and address barriers to care among your patients with this road map resource!

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Even after being diagnosed with cancer, it is never too late for a patient to implement healthy lifestyle and behavior changes.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer Healthcare Provider Webinar

More and more patients are struggling to decipher what is credible health information online. This webinar will cover resources, tools, and ways to assist your patients in identifying misinformation.

Health Equity Resources

As oncology navigators, we must assist all patients with cultural sensitivity and equitable care in mind.

Phantom Limb Pain in Patients with Cancer

Patients with cancer who undergo limb removal or have a mastectomy may experience phantom limb pain or sensations. As oncology navigators, we should discuss and prepare our patients for this possibility.

Being a Voice for AONN+

Being a member of AONN+ allows exclusive opportunities to partner with new organizations and promote the navigation profession.

Envisioning Equity: A Call to Action

As oncology navigators, we need to make ourselves aware of the historical and religious contexts that have created health inequities to help us better serve our patients.