Navigation & Survivorship News

Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication

A CDC document of principles, resources, and specific suggestions to help inform an inclusive approach to public health communications.

Helping Patients Research Family History of Cancers

A 3-generation family history of cancers can help oncology specialists evaluate the treatment plans, and patients need to consult their treatment teams for how to research and share this information.

AONN+: Building Oncology Networks

AONN+ has grown into a national network consisting of local navigator networks (LNNs), national committees, the Leadership Council, The Lynx Group, and industry partners.

The Educated Patient® Cancer Rights: Navigating Employment, Insurance, and Finances

Cancer rights law includes several separate areas of law such as employment, insurance, government benefits, consumer rights, and estate planning.

Managing Side Effects versus Preventing Side Effects

Oncology specialists need to be proactive instead of reactive to side-effects management. Taking certain proactive measures, a specialist can prevent or considerably diminish side effects such as chronic fatigue, nausea, and hair loss.

Navigators Are Natural Conduits to Clinical Trials

Oncology navigators play an important role in increasing awareness of research studies, promoting a trusting relationship between research staff and patients, and positively influencing critical trial participation.

Get HPV Vaccination Back on Track!

Many adolescents missed their routine HPV vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. Leading cancer researchers say it is crucial that the nation gets back on track with vaccination to ensure protected children and safer communities.

Reducing the Fear of Disfigurement from Mastectomy Surgery

Breast reconstruction technologies have come a long way since the 1970s, and mastectomy surgery should no longer be a dreaded procedure for women with breast cancer who are concerned about their physical appearance.

The Power of Surveys in Local Navigator Networks

Well-designed membership surveys helped Local Navigator Network (LNN) leaders in Arizona and Maryland/District of Columbia make important decisions on meeting arrangements and other topics of interest.

Need Implicit Bias Training?

This training module recreates healthcare encounters and provides learners with concrete examples so that they may lead the change in creating healthier work environments.