Navigation & Survivorship News

What’s Cultural Humility and How Does It Apply to Cancer Care?

To be culturally competent, you need to be dedicated to lifelong learning and adopt cultural humility.

Choosing End-of-Life Care

When a patient chooses end-of-life care to improve their quality of life, it can be a difficult discussion with their cancer team. Utilize these tips in navigating a patient through hard conversations.

Local Navigator Networks Shine with Professional Roles and Responsibilities

LNN leaders share their experiences in navigation on AONN+’s Heart and Soul of Navigation podcast.

How Do Health Disparities Arise?

As racial tensions rise in the United States, it’s important to educate ourselves as oncology care professionals to the health disparities that are becoming more prominent during the pandemic.

Realistic Resolutions for the New Year

As we leave behind the stress of 2020, it’s important to encourage patients with cancer, survivors, and ourselves, to create realistic New Year’s resolutions.

2020 Local Navigator Network Review

A look back at the challenges and success of Local Navigator Networks in 2020.

Happy New Year—The Warrior and the Caregiver

Inside of us all is a Warrior and a Caregiver. While the Warrior powers through, we need to find time to nourish the Caregiver.

Staying Healthy and Happy This Holiday Season

This holiday season, we may need to forego our usual traditions to keep our friends and family safe. Here are some ways to take your holiday plans virtual and how you can practice gratitude this season.

Feeling the Grief of the Pandemic: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Others

In the past few months, we have all struggled with the fallout of the pandemic, a change in the way we spend our holidays, and a tense election. Mandi Pratt-Chapman reminds us all to look after our mental health.