Navigation & Survivorship News

Insights into Navigation: Do we need survivorship navigators?

Definitely for the short term phase of survivorship. That window of time post acute treatment. What about long term?

Members Memo: Think Metrics

Another suggestion for our new navigators as they develop their program is to think metrics! Do not let the concept scare you into thinking it is all about research and numbers.

Plus Pointers: 12-05-2014

Are you just starting your patient navigation program? Or do you feel like you are a one-person show?

Members Memo: Research and Numbers

Another suggestion for our new navigators as they develop their program is to think metrics! Do not let the concept scare you into thinking it is all about research and numbers.

Insights into Navigation: 12-05-2014

Trying to get all the navigators in your cancer center to do things the "same way?" Don't. There are no two patient populations that are the same.

Plus Pointers: 11-21-2014

As a patient navigator, you are a critical member of the cancer care team by helping patients access treatment and supportive services.

Insights into Navigation: What Do Navigators Do?

What do navigators do? If you are not careful, they will be stuck doing what others don't feel like doing, or what ends up being a new task that needs to be done and is shoved over on YOU. How do you prevent this from happening?

Plus Pointers: AONN recently became AONN+

AONN recently became AONN+ to expand the reach of its professional network to include all patient navigators. If you are a non-clinically licensed navigator, the plus is for you!

Members Memo: Barriers to Care

>A common theme heard at this year's conference was - I have just been asked to be a navigator - where do I start? Membership statistics show that the majority of navigators are new in their role and many do not have oncology experience.