Best Practices

What Does an Ideal Navigation Program Look Like?

Katherine Sharpe, MTS
Katherine Sharpe, SVP ACS explains how to evaluate what makes an ideal navigation program.

Establishing an Effective Navigation Program

Katherine Sharpe, MTS
Katherine Sharpe, SVP ACS, discusses how to establish and sustain a navigator program that is in the best interests of the patient and benefits the care system.

Economic and Geographic Barriers to Cancer Care

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker describes some of the economic and geographic barriers that the rural poor face in obtaining cancer care.

Building Trust Into the Social Fabric

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker stresses the importance of relationship building as part of the work of bringing cancer care to economically straitened communities.

Economic Burden of Cancer Care

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker explains the way everyday expenses act as barriers to care among the rural poor.

Poverty and Survival in Cancer Care

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker analyzes the differences in treating and screening people who live in rural poverty.

The Navigator as Coach and Advocate

Frank dela Rama, RN, MS, AOCNS
Frank dela Rama emphasizes the narrator's role as a counselor assisting patients in their decision-making during treatment.

How Do Navigators Help Patients with Side Effect Management?

Frank dela Rama, RN, MS, AOCNS
Frank dela Rama on the role the navigator plays in helping patients through treatment and dealing with side effects.

The Role of the Navigator in Primary Care

Frank dela Rama, RN, MS, AOCNS
As cancer care grows in complexity, oncology navigators are more needed than ever to help primary care physicians guide patients through their options, explains Frank dela Rama.

The Role of the Navigator in Developing Cancer Screening Guidelines

Frank dela Rama, RN, MS, AOCNS
Frank dela Rama discusses the role navigators play in developing screening guidelines for prostate cancer and in helping patients make decisions about their care based on those guidelines.