Psychosocial Support Services/Assessment

Barriers to Seeking Psychosocial Support

Steve Pitman, JD
Steve Pittman attributes blame and shame as major barriers that prevent patients with mental health issues from seeking psychosocial support.

Working with Patients with Mental Illness

Steve Pitman, JD
Steve Pittman outlines some of the challenges in working with patients with mental illness, citing the importance of opening lines of communication and eliminating blame.

Economic and Geographic Barriers to Cancer Care

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker describes some of the economic and geographic barriers that the rural poor face in obtaining cancer care.

Poverty Relief and Priorities of Hope

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker addresses the interconnected problems of poverty among rural populations and the need for a holistic approach to problem-solving.

Creating a National Coalition of Providers

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker on the necessity of having a national coalition linking local programs together for greater access.

Assessing the Strengths of Disaparate Communities

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker offers insight into rural poverty and the provision of cancer care in disparate communities.

Cultivating Capital in Disaparate Communities

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Cultivating Capital in Disaparate Communities

Building Trust Into the Social Fabric

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker stresses the importance of relationship building as part of the work of bringing cancer care to economically straitened communities.

Economic Burden of Cancer Care

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker explains the way everyday expenses act as barriers to care among the rural poor.

Poverty and Survival in Cancer Care

Rev. K. Jason Coker, PhD
Rev Dr Jason Coker analyzes the differences in treating and screening people who live in rural poverty.